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Checking in on the Competition

Most (early) mornings I spend time checking on our clients’ accounts: performance, alerts, conversions, potential issues — everything that’s necessary to keep them where we want them to be and that everything is on the up-and-up.

Today was no different. But then again, it was.
Today seemed to be a really big day for grammar, spelling and other general “fails”.

I see those mistakes every day, and every time I see them I cringe.
Don’t get me wrong – everybody can make a typo, an “honest” mistake (even I make them).
But there’s a difference between a typo and the plain and obvious disregard for proper spelling. And the negligence of proof-reading.

Read, read again, and then read it at least one more time.
Better yet, sleep on it and then read it again in the morning, before publishing. Especially when you’re paying for it (either with your own or your client’s money).

According to Sprout Social’s Infographic outlining “Which Mistakes Hurt Your Relationship With Your Customers“, a whopping 42% chose “poor spelling or grammar” as the number 1 turn-off.

So unless you’re exclusively targeting 18-24 olds (see infographc above for an explanation), do everybody a favor and proof-read your content!
Or hire me to do it! Let Do It Together, Go To Http:/, I have Reasonal rates, too :)

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