FAQs & Blog Archives - Page 4 of 39 - inlineVision: Web Development / E-Commerce / PPC | Las Vegas, NV

Blog: Social Media

We have combined the most Frequently Asked Questions and our Blog: Because sometimes a simple question deserves a more lengthy answer or a more detailed explanation.

Twitter Dashboard, Twitter’s business app, is shutting down

Twitter Dashboard, Twitter’s business app, is shutting down

Twitter’s business app. Twitter Dashboard, will shut down on Feb 3rd 2017.

Jan 15th, 2017

Working With WordPress: What’s In Your Theme?

Working With WordPress: What’s In Your Theme?

The more complex and bloated themes get, the easier it is to include malicious code – knowingly or unknowingly. Do you know what’s hidden in your theme

Jan 4th, 2017

From The Samsung Captivate to the Galaxy S7 edge: My Smartphone Journey

From The Samsung Captivate to the Galaxy S7 edge: My Smartphone Journey

The introduction of the first iPhone was a quantum leap in modern technology; it fundamentally and forever changed the way we communicate, work, play, access, consume and share information

Dec 12th, 2016

The State of the Internet 2016: The Age of the Scam

The State of the Internet 2016: The Age of the Scam

A scam’s goal is always to make money. Most scams attack your wallet directly and immediately, sometimes they even cause prolonged misery – in the case of credit card and identity fraud

Nov 24th, 2016

1996 – 2016: My First 20 Years On The Internet

1996 – 2016: My First 20 Years On The Internet

“In 20 years, we will all be wearing computers on our wrists, like watches. They won’t be a lot bigger than a wristwatch either. And they will be 100 times more powerful than the systems we currently have in our labs.”

Sep 7th, 2016

Website Hacks & Security: A Reality Check

Website Hacks & Security: A Reality Check

Unless you’re keeping up with everything that’s going on in the exploit world, are monitoring your log files, log in attempts and everything around it (and even IF you do!) you are never safe

Jul 12th, 2015
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