FAQs: E-Commerce
Acquiring banks, merchant account and payment gateway? What does all this mean?
What is the Terminated Merchant or MATCH File?

The Terminated Merchant or MATCH (Member Alert to Control High-Risk) file is used by MasterCard and Visa processing banks (the acquiring banks) to keep tabs on merchants and/or principals who [&hellip
Read more →High-Risk and Unacceptable Merchants

High-Risk and Unacceptable Merchants are business, services and products that have a history or very high propensity of a high chargeback ratio based on historical and/or statistical data collected by the payment industry
Read more →What is a Merchant Account?

A Merchant Account is a business bank account that allows you to accept payments from a credit card. It is an agreement between a merchant (you), an acquiring bank (the [&hellip
Read more →What are the requirements for E-Commerce?

Technically, there are 4 major requirements: 1) An Internet Merchant Account 2) An online Payment Gateway (authorize.net, PayPal PayFlow Pro) 3) An E-Commerce enabled website: including Shopping Cart & Checkout [&hellip
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