FAQs & Blog
Do I absolutely need a Merchant Account?

If you want to do it right – yes. It’s almost like asking "Do I need a business license?" or "Do I need to pay taxes?" You might get away [&hellip
Read more →What is the Terminated Merchant or MATCH File?

The Terminated Merchant or MATCH (Member Alert to Control High-Risk) file is used by MasterCard and Visa processing banks (the acquiring banks) to keep tabs on merchants and/or principals who [&hellip
Read more →High-Risk and Unacceptable Merchants

High-Risk and Unacceptable Merchants are business, services and products that have a history or very high propensity of a high chargeback ratio based on historical and/or statistical data collected by the payment industry
Read more →What is a Merchant Account?

A Merchant Account is a business bank account that allows you to accept payments from a credit card. It is an agreement between a merchant (you), an acquiring bank (the [&hellip
Read more →What are the requirements for E-Commerce?

Technically, there are 4 major requirements: 1) An Internet Merchant Account 2) An online Payment Gateway (authorize.net, PayPal PayFlow Pro) 3) An E-Commerce enabled website: including Shopping Cart & Checkout [&hellip
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