Blog: Security
Outdated, Unpatched, Abandoned: An Invitation To Come Inside

Ongoing website maintenance is a necessary evil – like a dental check-up. You might not like it, but it might save you a lot of pain (literally and figuratively) later
Remember Google Buzz? A Blast From The Past

Google Buzz? Anyone? It’s been a while. But apparently its legacy still lives on – on some websites, even in 2017 — 5+ years after its official demise
Website Hacks & Security: A Reality Check

Unless you’re keeping up with everything that’s going on in the exploit world, are monitoring your log files, log in attempts and everything around it (and even IF you do!) you are never safe
List Of New Vulnerabilities Leads To More Website Hacks: Be Prepared

Website owners need to be more vigilant and understand that a website is an investment, and that they need to protect it, just like they take care of any other part of their business, their homes or their cars
Your Website Just Got Hacked: What To Do Next (And How To Prevent It From Happening Again)

When Google starts classifying their site as “potentially dangerous” or “malicious”, people call their web designer. And they call us