Blog: Security
WebDesign and WebDevelopment topics – from interesting to trendy, and from must-have to absolutely uncool.
Outdated, Unpatched, Abandoned: An Invitation To Come Inside

Ongoing website maintenance is a necessary evil – like a dental check-up. You might not like it, but it might save you a lot of pain (literally and figuratively) later
Beware Of The Experts: Best of 2017

This year’s most hilarious quotes from so-called experts (and agencies) regarding SEO, Google and what – in their opinion – our President has to do with it
DMOZ Is Shutting Down On March 14 2017

After 18 years DMOZ, (one of) the oldest, human-curated internet directories will shut down on March 14,
Working With WordPress: What’s In Your Theme?

The more complex and bloated themes get, the easier it is to include malicious code – knowingly or unknowingly. Do you know what’s hidden in your theme
5 Website Annoyances That Need To Go Away

It’s 2015, and one would think that by now there is enough information and research available on how to do it right, what to do and – even more important – what not to do
The Content Crisis

If your website does not contain relevant content for your users to explore, it is the same thing as paying for a huge billboard that says “coming soon”