Blog: Social Media
WebDesign and WebDevelopment topics – from interesting to trendy, and from must-have to absolutely uncool.
Do You Need a Responsive Website?

What do the terms Responsive Web Design or Responsive Website actually mean?
Do you want a responsive website? Do you need one? Can you make your current website responsive
WordPress Customization & WordPress Development

WordPress Customization, WordPress Website Development & Professional WordPress Plugin Development. Our Experienced Software Engineers, Graphic Designers and Marketers will turn your WordPress Website into a highly optimized online asset
New Twitter Design Template: Combined Background and Header

Download our new Photoshop Twitter template. Easily create a background image that flows into the Twitter Header for a unified look
Creating Graphics for Facebook Timeline Events

I’ve found that if you use an image that is 180x550px Facebook will create thumbnails from the image but pull from different areas depending on its use. A square image for the event listing page and a rectangular on for the app preview image. I’ve developed a template to help
Facebook Timeline Profile image size changes to 160x160px

Download a FREE Photoshop template and create your own “integrated” cover photo and profile image. Get creative with your branding!
The New Google+ Profile Banner Image Size

How to switch your profile to the new banner style similar to Facebook’s Timeline cover photo with dimensions and a free photoshop template