FAQs & Blog
Merry Christmas: How We Increased One Client’s Revenue By 70% in Q4 2014

2014 gave us a lot of new ways to (re)target audiences, better tailor our advertising efforts and increase the efficiency of our campaigns; and although the year is not over yet, the numbers speak for themselves
Read more →The Content Crisis

If your website does not contain relevant content for your users to explore, it is the same thing as paying for a huge billboard that says “coming soon”
Read more →RIP Google Authorship, It Was Great Knowing You

I liked Authorship as a feature because it was adding the “personal” level to the otherwise so nameless desert of Search Engine Result pages. It gave the result a face, tied a real person to it
Read more →The Une Bobine USB Cable and Dock for iPhone 5 – Review

So far I’ve used the cable to read recipes when cooking, to hold my phone up during video calls and as a tripod for taking photos
Read more →Your Website Just Got Hacked: What To Do Next (And How To Prevent It From Happening Again)

When Google starts classifying their site as “potentially dangerous” or “malicious”, people call their web designer. And they call us
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