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Twitter App for Facebook

Jun 10th, 2011

Due to the most recent changes Twitter made to their API (requiring OAuth and the creation of your own app to display your tweets) we are unable to update or support this app any longer. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
PLEASE NOTE: The App can only be added to Facebook Pages, but not to Personal Profiles.

Connect the two largest Social Networks & Add Value

by including your Twitter stream as a Tab on your Facebook Page.

Twitter is a fast moving flow of information; and you may be tweeting the same content at different times of the day or week to ensure maximum exposure for your message and to reach as many followers as possible.
The icon for ourTwitter App for Facebook business pages

Why not just post all Your Tweets to Your Wall?

First – Due to Twitter’s character limit of 140 per Tweet, you are missing out on the opportunity to create and distribute a lot more content and information – and the opportunity to add images, videos or personal comments.
Second – Prevent duplicate content by selectively choosing between Tweeting and Posting.

Why not just Tweet all Your Wall Posts?

For the same reason – due to Twitter’s character limit your post’s content will get cut off and no media content is attached either.

Add more value to your Business’s, Company’s or Brand’s Facebook Page by displaying your latest Tweets and allow your fans, followers and clients to join the conversation.

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