Blog: General
9 Ways To Immediately Fail At Being Professional On The internet

There’s many things that are highly annoying on the internet – but these are my Top 9 ways so-called “professionals” get on my nerves quickly
How To Fail At Live Support Chat

Don’t put a “live support chat” button on your website unless you are in fact dedicated and equipped to provide live support. Scripted or canned responses that have nothing to do with the customer’s issue are never and in no way beneficial to your business
Beware Of The Experts: Best of 2017

This year’s most hilarious quotes from so-called experts (and agencies) regarding SEO, Google and what – in their opinion – our President has to do with it
5 Website Annoyances That Need To Go Away

It’s 2015, and one would think that by now there is enough information and research available on how to do it right, what to do and – even more important – what not to do
Desert Hills Dental (Dr. Deborha Staten)

Custom Responsive Website for Desert Hills Dental / Dr. Deborha Staten, DMD (Las Vegas). The purpose of the redesign of was to create a modern, responsive website to showcase Dr. Staten’s new practice and her skills as a dentist.
• Responsive WordPress Design
• Custom Post Types, Custom Forms, Custom Widgets, Custom Shortcodes
• SEO Package & Full Social Media Integration
• Performance Optimization
• Testimonials Slider
• Google Analytics
• Conversion Goals Setup
• XML Sitemap
Got (Google) Authorship?

Displaying the author’s image next to the title and the except makes the verified author’s content stand out from all the other results – visually as well as from a credibility standpoint